Thursday, October 6, 2011


I feel the need to write again today. I think it's the fact that my soon to be ex-husband became a father last night. He called to tell me how happy he was, it was good to hear from him but something in me twisted. It didn't twist because I missed him, it twisted because I was sitting in my parents living room, trying to figure out my life and get it together. I feel trapped in some kind of limbo. I want to be done with Wayne and move on with John ... how do I do that? I'm not yet divorced, I don't have a place to call home anymore. I knit and play facebook frantically to keep myself occupied but I have no friends to go out with or meet up with besides one I write to occasionally in PA. I hate to feel sorry for myself but with the epilepsy and figuring out what's wrong in my pituitary and feeling in-between an old relationship and a new one. It feels very awkward to introduce people who knew I got married to my new boyfriend John; I feel the strange need to explain it all. At least in knitting I'm making headway, socks finished, Christmas stocking finished, a pair of mittens knitted and now a sweater for my sister in the works.
I guess that's enough to go through now, it feels better to get it out somewhere even if it just sits on the web silent.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Long After Arrival

I was planning on tracking my move, doing so much but as usual I got distracted and didn't do a thing. It's now March and I've been living in Florida with John for nearly 4 months. As anticipated money is tight since John can only work part time and I can't drive. We're figuring out what sort of "relationship" we've got going on and are already thinking about our move when he gets a job with BMW ... hopefully we'll be in the LI area.

My knitting is coming along, I finished my second sweater, am doing a crochet project right now I'm fairly unhappy with but at least I'm working on it. Today needs to be split between crafting and cleaning. This place is starting to frustrate me since it's become quite messy and I can't let it go any longer ... I really really want to get organized and I guess this is my start for the day; recording what I do.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Heart Socks

Pulled out my travel project since I'm planning a trip to my parents soon and figured I'd try it on, a bit snug but it fits and I took some pics to share.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Rona Lace Shawl Start

So here's the start of the lace shawl ... up to row 11 or 12 right now and looking gorgeous but difficult! Hope it'll come along alright.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

WIP: Albem Purse from Berroco and Crochet Shawl

So I had purchased this lovely purple yarn on a trip to the knitting store and it's been sitting in my stash for months till I finally looked at the maker of the yarn and searched their site for an appropriate pattern. Considering my theme lately has been gifts I thought that the purse was the way to go and I started it. I haven't gotten very far into it yet but it's moving along and it's wonderfully thick using two strands and the cable pops beautifully. I'm going to find some nice fabric to line this in and hope I can eventually give it away. I am not looking forward to the gusset/strap though which may go fast but is going to be mind numbingly boring I'm sure.

This is a crochet shawl I'm working on that I found on I wanted a doily inspired piece but not lace and I had this caron simply soft that I thought would go beautifully with this design. It's barely a third of the way through and I can't wait to get to the pineapple part of the design.

FO Crochet Cable Bolster Pillow

Well the pic came out sideways but it's visible. It's from one of those 63 ________ to knit/crochet and I used Vanna's Choice yarn which I loved the blue color of it matches my drapes pretty well but has gotten sat on and mushed a bit since I made it. Oh well. It's a finished piece and I'm really proud of it.

FO Oxford Slipper

Faux Suede Oxford type slippers

Made out of yarn I got on clearance, they're a bit big for my foot so I'll likely use them as a gift but I have to build up the back and sides a bit so they stay on the foot. Also working on a variation in a verigated yarn of the same type called vineyard which has some beautiful colors